
Thomas Westcott launches new £200,000 Research and Development Fund with the University

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The Research and Development Solutions Fund is designed to stimulate industrial collaborations and knowledge transfer opportunities between researchers and businesses, and aiming to solve specific ‘business problems’.

The £200,000 fund, delivered in partnership between Plymouth University’s Research & Innovation directorate, and Thomas Westcott Chartered Accountants, will also be a catalyst for enabling businesses to gain even greater access to the University’s facilities such as the COAST Lab, the Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre and the Digital Fabrication Laboratory.

Adrian Dawson, Director of Research & Innovation, said: “The Research and Development Solutions Fund is designed to stimulate industrial collaborations and knowledge transfer opportunities between university researchers and businesses. It will not only address specific and immediate issues and opportunities, but it will forge new relationships – and strengthen existing ones – resulting in longer term collaborations.”

Grants of up to £20,000 will be available during two funding rounds opening this month and in March, next year, and the programme is open to businesses from any industry sector or geographic location in the UK.

The funds can be used to cover a variety of costs including academic research time to focus on a specific opportunity or challenge to a business; research time of the industrial partner; and access to specialist University facilities or equipment.

Professor Judith Petts CBE, Vice-Chancellor, said: “The Research and Development Solutions Fund demonstrates how universities can be engines for change in their communities, and drivers of R&D, knowledge exchange and ultimately, economic growth. This fund represents an investment in that collaborative dynamic, and demonstrates our commitment to the civic university mission.” To find out more contact [email protected] or call 0800 052 5600