
Support our future economy by helping students gain employability skills

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A CAMPAIGN is being launched to help raise funds to ensure schools in Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall can ensure their youngsters are more employable when they leave.

Young Enterprise Area Manager Stephanie Anderson wants to ensure as many students as possible are given the opportunity to join the YE Company Programme next year as it is an effective springboard to help youngsters achieve success.

“This employability programme helps youngsters develop in so many valuable ways and achieve their true potential. By investing in our youngsters, we are investing in our future economy,” said Mrs Anderson.

The £1,400 Company Programme is made available to mainstream schools nationally for £800, thanks to part funding from HSBC. However, in today’s increasingly uncertain economic climate many schools are now struggling to find the remaining funds necessary to participate.

The YE Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall Boards are therefore seeking businesses willing to help sponsor a school, to help students in the South West Peninsula grow in confidence and thrive.

“It would be wonderful if we could raise £8,000 in each county to support at least 10 schools in each area,” added Mrs Anderson.

In line with Government recommendations, the YE Company Programme supports the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers guidance and helps the students gain key employability skills including teamwork, communication, problem solving, digital skills, resilience, initiative, organisation and financial capability. As part of the scheme, students from Year 9 -13 set up and run their own student company. Schools can embed this programme as part of their existing Business and Enterprise GCSE and A level programmes or offer it as an extra-curricular activity. Students can use their Company Programme experience to complete an Extended Project Qualification with three main awarding bodies, attracting up to 28 UCAS points.

Sponsors are invited to present a trophy to the winners of various categories in the Company Programme at local and county level. In return, YE will include sponsors in any publicity and promotional material and school groups can make a presentation to supportive businesses on the benefits of the programme.

YE is positioning itself as the leading financial literacy, enterprise and entrepreneurship charity for young people in the UK. Every year YE works with over 250,000 young people, supports over 9,000 teachers in both enterprise and financial education, with the help of more than 7,000 volunteers and 3,500 businesses. Since we were established, over 4 million young people have taken part in Young Enterprise programmes in the UK. Contact Stephanie at: [email protected]