
Implementing the Circular Economy: A course for SMEs and their partners

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The University of Exeter’s Centre for Circular Economy is launching a new course for SMEs and their partners.  We would appreciate it if you could share this with your network.

The course provides successful case examples and practical advice on how to overcome barriers and make the case for a change to circular business practices. The team delivers an in depth, collaborative, and practical approach as well as a toolkit that will support business during their implementation journey.

By becoming more circular, businesses can be more resilient, competitive and resource-efficient.  Benefits include:

  • Cost: UK businesses could save up to £23bn per year through implementing low cost or no cost improvements in efficient resource use.
  • Environmental:  Around 90% of raw materials used in manufacturing become waste before the product leaves the factory while 80% of products made are thrown away within the first six months of their life.
  • Operational Resilience: Price volatility and supply risks for companies can be reduced and new revenue opportunities can be created.
  • Collaboration and engagement: staff education, stakeholder management, strategic partnership and new value chain transactional relationships can unlock innovation and aid best practice through a shared approach.
  • Social: keeping resources circulating in the economy for longer not only satisfies consumer demand for better, longer-lasting products, but can also save customers money.

More information is available here or email the team on [email protected].

REGISTER HERE by Friday 17th September to join the October Cohort.