
City College Welcomes New CEO & Principal

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Students and staff at City College have welcomed Garry Phillips as their new CEO & Principal. Garry took up his post on Monday 9 July. Garry’s previous posting was as Chief Executive of West London College.

Garry said: “In Plymouth you get the same energy as in London. Britain’s Ocean City has a long tradition of innovation and creativity and excellence in sectors like engineering, manufacturing, construction and the arts. With the eyes of the world on us for the landmark Mayflower 400 celebrations, I am proud to be joining the City and its community at this exciting time of regeneration, investment and growth.”

Only a few weeks in post, he is already making local headlines with his plans to equip students for the digital future. The most notable of these is his proposal to provide some City College students with new Google Chromebooks to support their studies both at College and off-campus.

“I view technology as a universal enabler. So whilst we are ensuring our students are equipped with those essential digital skills, I also want to respond to that need from the business community. I’ll be working closely with employers to enhance the College’s already strong educational, training and skills offer to ensure that all students have the appropriate work ethic and skills that employers are looking for.”

City College Plymouth is one of the region’s premier vocational and technical education providers, which also hosts the Regional Centre of Excellence for STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), and is designed to support the local business and skills needs of the region.

“Strategic planning for the region has highlighted the skills gaps, particularly in STEM subjects, which need to be addressed and City College Plymouth is uniquely positioned to meet the needs of our City and wider region. By consulting and involving businesses with the development of our curriculum and facilities, we can give the best possible experience to our students and send them fully prepared into the world of work.

“Visitors to the College always comment on its friendly and professional atmosphere. I believe this comes from the mutual respect and supportive relationships which exist between staff and students, creating a college community where each person is valued and can grow to achieve their ambitions.”