Formed through a partnership of the region’s police forces, the South West Cyber Resilience Centre (CRC) exists to support and protect businesses and third sector organisations in the region against cyber-crime. SWBC will be working with the CRC as the key interface for the regional business community.
“The South West Cyber Resilience Centre is now being launched as part of a Home-Office funded national programme which seeks to protect SME’s and the third sector from cyber-crime. The CRC is delighted to be working with the South West Business Council, and through them the regional business community, the Chambers of Commerce, the Federation of Small Businesses and other organisations. Cyber-crime represents a significant commercial threat to the region, but it is one which can be much reduced through some simple measures. Together with SWBC and our other partners, the South West CRC is committed to educating and helping businesses to become more cyber-resilient .” Superintendent Mark Moore, Director of the South West Cyber Resilience Centre.
For more information about the CRC, please take a look at their website;, or contact the SWBC team direct.