CSW Group intends to bid for the next ESF opt-in bidding rounds for activity during 2019-2021, which are due to commence August/September 2018.
We are seeking supply chain partners with a proven track record of:
- Work-based learning (including regulated and non-regulated qualifications)
- Activity with unemployed learners supporting them in to positive outcomes
- Work with Young people that are NEET – including Matrix accredited CEIAG activity.
Across the LEP areas of:
- Cornwall & Isles of Scilly
- Heart of the South West
- West of England
- Swindon & Wiltshire
- Thames Valley Berkshire
- Enterprise M3
- Solent
- Dorset
The strands of activity are Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW), Skills Support for the Unemployed (SSU) and Skills Support for NEET’s.
For more information please visit our here
If you are interested in partnering with us on this service please complete this short Expression of Interest by 17:00 on August 17th 2018.