
New Directory of South West Graduate Schemes Published

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Gradsouthwest, the graduate job board for south west England, has today issued the 2018/9 edition of its popular South West Graduate Scheme Directory.

First published last year, and with over 200 entries, the directory highlights the great variety and choice open to graduates in a bid to retain their skills in the region.

Entries in the Directory are free of charge and the publication is widely circulated to University Careers Services and Business Support Networks.

Director of Gradsouthwest, Dr Deborah Watson, said “The south west has a proliferation of large big name companies but many graduates don’t realise this, and some discount them because they believe it will mean a move to London. By showcasing the local and regional opportunities available we hope to increase awareness and ultimately, encourage the retention of graduate talent which benefits the regional economy”.

For a copy of the Directory, please visit