
Free Digital Marketing Skills Course for the Workplace

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Funded by the European Social Fund’s Hidden Talent in Devon programme, a group of ten local professionals successfully completed a ten week Digital Marketing pilot course at City College Plymouth.

This course enabled the attendees (from varied backgrounds and with differing levels of digital experience) to learn about all things digital, acquire new skills and gain knowledge of how these skills could be applied in their workplace or to their small businesses.

Rachel McGowan, Project Manager of ESF Higher Skills at City College Plymouth, led the Digital Marketing pilot course and said: “I was delighted to deliver this course alongside industry experts, including Sue Bayes (Data Analyst and business owner of, Antonia Lowther (Business Manager, Carbon Pixel) and Ashley Rodwell (Digital Marketing Executive, Carbon Pixel). We covered a wide range of topics, including creating social media content, filming interviews, product photography, smartphone filmmaking, PowerPoint skills, and digital design tools.”

The ten week pilot course culminated in each of the participants giving a five minute presentation, using the skills they had acquired during the course. The ten learners have since been applying their new skills in the workplace and even enquired about continuing their digital training at City College.

Course attendee, local glass designer and small business owner, Mel Cassidy, said that the course was “really useful, interesting and informative. We learnt tips and tricks to save time and were shown loads of useful resources. I was worried I might be a bit too early in the start-up stages [of my business] to benefit, but in actual fact, it’s been perfect with all the advice on website building, plus the social media side.”

The course leader, Rachel added: “It was great to see the participants build on their skills and watch their confidence using the tools grow throughout the course. The topics we covered are relevant to all businesses and I was thrilled that we received so much positive feedback from learners who were able to apply what they learnt in their workplaces.”

If you are interested in taking part in a digital workshop or would like to find out more about European Social Fund projects at City College Plymouth, call 01752 305300 or visit