TIME: 2:30 pm — 4:00 pm
TICKETS: https://www.young-enterprise.org.uk/what-we-do/where-we-work/region/southwest/
PRESENTED BY: Young Enterprise
There were over 70 groups of young people from across the South West setting up and managing their own Business in 2021/22. Through a series of County final events this has been whittled down to just 7 companies.
Young Enterprise would like to invite you to join them in celebrating their achievements and hearing more about their enterprise journey.
Now, more than ever young people need to be enterprising in their approach to education and work. Young Enterprise’s ambition through their ‘No Time Like The Future’ strategy delivers 130,000 meaningful opportunities to young people in the South West to access an employability or enterprise education programme.
This event brings together the best student companies from Dorset, Devon, Somerset, Cornwall, Wiltshire, West of England and Gloucestershire to compete for a variety of prizes, including a place at the UK Final… and possibly onwards to represent the UK at the European Final in Tallinn, Estonia, in July.
For ease of access here is the Zoom link to attend on Thursday 19th May from 2:30 – 4:00pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84186624543?pwd=ZjdLZG1jb3hsMC92blRFRFhlWkw3UT09