Using Electron Microscopy in the Microelectronics and Photonics Sector


TIME: 9:30 am — 12:30 pm
VENUE: University of Plymouth, Rolle Building, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 6EQ

(part of the PEMC Industrial Solutions event series (2018-2020))

Are you seeking:

  • Accelerated R&D?
  • Improved quality?
  • Rapid failure analysis?
  • Developing new products?
  • Access to Innovate UK funding?

Join us for the third in our series of free industry-focussed Industrial Solutions events that are running throughout 2019 and early 2020, funded by ERDF. Featuring presentations from our customers Plessey Semiconductors Ltd and EFFECT Photonics Ltd, discover how these two companies have used Electron Microscopy in the development of new products and processes, keeping them at the cutting edge of their sectors.

Also speaking will be Ellen Pope from Innovate UK, who is the Global Innovation Lead for Advanced Materials; sharing the latest funding and support opportunities for businesses to innovate and progress R&D activities. Click here for the full programme.

Funded by ERDF and the University of Plymouth, the Industrial Solutions series is designed to be informative, relevant and useful in terms of practical analysis and future funding opportunities – they are brief, but packed with useful information to inspire! Click here to see what happened at our last event on 7 February 2019.

Bookings are now being taken; join us for a late breakfast and early lunch, followed by an optional demonstration of our latest instrument’s capability, the FIB-SEM (focussed ion beam, scanning electron microscope) which is currently available for Devon SMEs to use for free.

For more information, please contact Claire Pearce (01752 588908, 07713 082079 or [email protected]) or visit our website:
