Unlocking UK ports’ potential to cut carbon across international supply chains


With guest speaker John Trenchard, Commercial and Supply Chain Director at DP World

Cargo ports are complex ecosystems connecting multiple modes of transport and providing sophisticated solutions for international logistics. With ports handling 95% of UK imports and exports, their role in decarbonising transport and supply chains is significant.

Hosted by leading green shipping expert, Dr Stavros Karamperidis, guest speaker John Trenchard, Commercial and Supply Chain Director at DP World, will be joining us to unravel and explore key issues, including: 

  • the challenges faced by container ports and international supply chains
  • the complexities of connecting transport modes
  • trail of a Modal Shift Programme at DP World Southampton
  • the impact of a port strategy
  • ports as potential energy hubs.

DP World has recently declared their two UK logistics hubs, London Gateway and Southampton, to be fossil fuel free making significant headway on the net zero agenda.

Following an initial presentation, Dr Karamperidis will moderate an impactful discussion with an opportunity for audience members to ask questions. 

Join us for an insightful and inspiring talk open to everyone.

Register here or email [email protected] or any queries.