The MBA Speaker Series: Amanda Kilroy


TIME: 6:15 pm — 7:45 pm
VENUE: XFI Henderson Lecture Theatre, University of Exeter Business School, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU
PRESENTED BY: University of Exeter

The Exeter MBA invites you to the third guest lecture in the MBA Speaker Series for academic year 2019/20:

“Experimenting with creating a collaborative culture in an increasingly polarised world”

by Amanda Kilroy – Director of Social Innovation and Acting CEO of CoLab Exeter*

Amanda Kilroy will share the story of how CoLab Exeter adapted their traditional role to become curators of a dynamic social change space that fostered local social innovation. In this presentation she will focus on how The Community Cultural Values Survey, an internationally recognised business development tool which brings details of cultural health to the surface, has been successfully used to create a space for people from all walks of life and background to meet and determine together what it is they can do about intractable issues like homelessness, mental health and substance abuse, and how that space is already benefiting from business sector input. 

*CoLab is a multi-agency initiative hosting partners from across voluntary, public and private sectors in a collaborative model which focuses predominantly on improving outcomes for people with multiple disadvantages and complex needs. In 2019 CoLab Exeter won Exeter Living Magazine’s new award for Civic Contribution; an award they shared with Exeter Library. 

The MBA Speaker Series runs monthly at the University of Exeter and brings to the fore, noteworthy and inspiring speakers looking at issues that address the major challenges confronting business and society.