TIME: 8:00 am — 9:30 am
VENUE: GA Solicitors, 25 Lockyer Street, Plymouth, PL1 2QW
Join us for GA’s next Property CPD Club meeting on Thursday 5th September.
This time we welcome Paul Raglan, managing director of Mining Searches UK, who will talk to us about different types of mining and the associated risks for those in the property industry.
Minimising risks from mining-
Paul Raglan is the managing director of Mining Searches UK. He has 30 years’ experience in assessing and mitigating mining risk associated with historical mining activity for both residential and commercial property. His company offers expertise from initial desk study, through investigation and securing of mining related problems.
Paul will provide an overview of different types of mining and its associated hazards. He will share insights into the risks from mining for property development and the possible solutions.
Pay and display parking is directly outside of the office
Please note, breakfast will be provided and tea/coffee available.