Product Innovation in the Clean Energy Sector


TIME: 9:30 am — 1:30 pm
VENUE: University of Plymouth, Rolle Building, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 6EQ

(part of the PEMC Industrial Solutions event series (2018 – 2020))

Clean energy, low carbon, net zero – new product development in this sector is growing exponentially – and for this growth to be sustainable, it is key for developers to understand how products (and the materials used) perform in a variety of harsh environments; both now and in the future. And that’s where Electron Microscopy comes in!

Join us in November for the next event in our series of PEMC Industrial Solutions events to hear from a selection of our industrial partners and academic collaborators who have used the power of Electron Microscopy to develop new materials that will perform in harsh environments, over the long-term.

Funding to make these innovations happen is key – which is why Ellen Pope of Innovate UK will be talking about the latest funding opportunities for SMEs, particularly for the Clean Energy sector.

Funded by ERDF and the University of Plymouth, the PEMC Industrial Solutions series is designed to show Electron Microscopy in context; to demonstrate how valuable it is to industry, either as part of problem solving, new product development or quality assurance. Each event is designed to be informative, relevant and brief; packed with useful information to inspire!

There is also the option to stay a little longer for a demonstration of our latest instrument’s capability; the FIB-SEM (focussed ion beam – scanning electron microscope) which is only available for Devon SMEs to use for free until April 2020. Follow us on Linked In for regular PEMC updates!