Plymouth Business School Speaker Sessions; Responding to an uncertain future with star employees


TIME: 12:00 pm — 1:00 pm
PRESENTED BY: University of Plymouth

We live increasingly in a world where rapid technological, social, economic and cultural change is leading to greater uncertainty.  How do individuals and organisations cope and respond?

Resilience, the ability to recover from challenges quickly is central to individual wellbeing, our ability to carve out a career path and for organisations to first survive and then thrive.

These sessions will offer practical guidance and inspiration to students and those recently graduated on how they can successfully adapt to change.  It will also help managers and employers understand how their organisations can successfully evolve.

Resilience in business; Luke Slater

Since studying at the University of Plymouth in 2009 and graduating with BSc (Hons) Hospitality Management and MSc International Hospitality Management, Luke has held a number of different job roles in the hospitality industry, from working in kitchens to hotel management. He now works in the catering equipment manufacturing industry which, alongside many others, has been hugely affected by the current outbreak of COVID-19. As chaos descends into the UK economy and markets, finding new ways to respond to change and shift in consumer attitudes is key. University training has helped Luke to contribute to the company’s recovery plan in ways he had never considered possible when he first started his degree.