Plymouth Business School Speaker Sessions; Resilience of entrepreneurs under continuous crises


TIME: 12:00 pm — 1:00 pm
PRESENTED BY: University of Plymouth

We live increasingly in a world where rapid technological, social, economic and cultural change is leading to greater uncertainty.  How do individuals and organisations cope and respond?

Resilience, the ability to recover from challenges quickly is central to individual wellbeing, our ability to carve out a career path and for organisations to first survive and then thrive.

These sessions will offer practical guidance and inspiration to students and those recently graduated on how they can successfully adapt to change.  It will also help managers and employers understand how their organisations can successfully evolve.

Resilience in business; Doaa Althalathini, Oxford Brookes University

Doaa is a Lecturer in Business and Enterprise in the Oxford Brookes Business School, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She worked in her home country, Palestine, with different local and international NGOs in humanitarian and development programmes aimed to reduce poverty, empower women and enhance economic development through entrepreneurship. This experience has inspired her to do a PhD at the University of Plymouth where she researched the resilience of entrepreneurs and gender in the conflict zones of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.