TIME: 10:00 am — 4:00 pm
VENUE: Sandy Park, Sandy Park Way, Exeter, Devon, EX2 7NN
The prospect of facing an employment tribunal can be daunting to say the least. Join Acas and 3PB Barristers for this interactive, informative and myth busting event. We will share our knowledge and tips, enabling you to prepare with confidence, as well as provide you with the experience of a full mock tribunal hearing.
Business need
Following the abolition of tribunal fees in July 2017 new claims to employment tribunals have risen by over 50%.
Employment tribunals can be time consuming, stressful and costly. It is therefore imperative for employers to be well prepared.
Delegates attending this event will have the opportunity to witness a full mock employment tribunal hearing, including witness cross examination, a Judge’s summing up and decision. They will gain a unique insight into Acas conciliation and how to get the most out of it. We will also look at the common mistakes that can lose cases, getting the best from your legal representative and some of the strategies that can help bring issues to a successful conclusion.
Ranked by the Legal 500 Directory as a top-tier firm in the South West, 3PB Barristers will provide delegates with their top tips and expert insight into the tribunal process.
Some of the common questions we’ll be covering include:
- I don’t know what to expect – how do Tribunals work?
- What if I’m asked a question I can’t answer?
- How does Early Conciliation work?
- What sort of evidence do we need ahead of the hearing?
- What if the Judge doesn’t like the way we’ve done things?
- How many witnesses do we need to bring and how do we help them to prepare?
All delegates will receive an electronic certificate of attendance for their participation in the training.
Suitable For
Everyone with staff management responsibilities – particularly those involved in disciplinary matters including HR practitioners, line managers, business owners, TU officials and lay representatives.
During this event you will learn about:
- presenting a claim
- the importance of the employment tribunal and early conciliation forms
- the conciliation process
- settlements and COT3s
- choosing witnesses
- evidence bundles
- preparing for the hearing
- giving evidence
- cross examination
- the role of the Judge
- burden of proof
Delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions of our experts throughout the event.
Have a large group of staff to train?
To save you time and money, we can deliver bespoke training at your workplace. To find out more contact our Customer Services Team on 0300 123 1150 or complete our online enquiry form.
We also offer free e-learning on a wide range of employment relations topics including conflict resolution. Giving you the opportunity to work through theory, explore case studies and answer interactive questions. It’s a great way to develop, enhance and refresh your knowledge.
Need more than training?
We recognise that every organisation is different. Our specialists can diagnose issues in your workplace and tailor practical solutions to address the challenges faced by you and your staff. To arrange a call or visit or to simply find out more, contact our Customer Services Team on 0300 123 1150 or complete our online enquiry form.