TIME: 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm
The Bank of England wants to speak to ordinary people about their experiences of the economy. It is an opportunity for people to give their views directly to a senior person from the Bank of England as well as ask questions directly. The panel will be a small group of people from the area, and we want to hear about all aspects of their experience of the economy – whether it is wages, employment, prices, access to banking services or anything else that people think is important to them.
The next panel is on 10th April in Exeter at 6pm and we are looking for volunteers who would be willing to come along and tell us about their experiences of the economy.
Anyone interested in taking part can sign up via the link below.
The Bank of England will pay travel expenses and we will provide refreshments.
Alex Brazier will be the senior Bank of England person at the Citizens’ Panel 10 April and he wants to hear directly what people have to say about the economy. Julie Hawker is the independent chair for the meeting.
Find out more here.