Canopy Demo Night


TIME: 6:00 pm — 9:00 pm
VENUE: Lecture Theatre 1, Roland Levinsky Building, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
PRESENTED BY: University of Plymouth

Are you ready for the first Canopy Demo Night in Plymouth? Not a pitch night! A Demo Night!

September 26 is the date and we’d love you to join. This event is a collaboration with Formation Zone at the University of Plymouth and Yena.

On the night, a panel discussion and knowledge share on what it’s like to grow a business in Plymouth.

This special format is designed to showcase new ideas and entrepreneurs. Through the event each founder hopes to learn and iterate their idea, find co-founders and also funding.

Each company demonstrates their idea, business model or prototype and looks to the audience for feedback. The format is 5 minutes to demo, 5 minutes open Question and Answer with the audience.

After the demonstration, audience members are encouraged to ask questions, give feedback and support the founder in their journey.

Beer, wine and Pizza follow the demos to give everyone a chance to talk more and meet new folks.

Book below and help us bring a spotlight onto Entrepreneurship in the region.