Breakfast Meeting: Attracting and securing new talent


TIME: 8:00 am — 9:00 am
VENUE: Plymouth Science Park, Derriford, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 8BX
PRESENTED BY: Plymouth Science Park

Attracting and securing new talent can be a challenge for any business but a potential solution maybe closer than your think!

On the 16th of January (8-9.30 am) PSP and the Careers & Employability Service (University of Plymouth) are jointly hosting a breakfast meeting in the Baylis reception/suite.

There will be a short presentation about how your business can easily engage with the student/graduate network through different initiatives offered by the university and a chance to network and find out more afterwards. For a growing number of locally based businesses this engagement is helping them to identify new talent and resource, whilst also helping to retain skilled workers in the SW.

Lewis Boyles-White (Core Blue) will also provide insight into the benefits his business has gained through the ‘Work Placement’ scheme.