City College Plymouth launched its new vision and purpose at an innovative event on Thursday, with guests hailing the College’s plans as bold, ambitious and inspirational.
Staff and governors were joined by councillors, local business leaders and other well-known names in Plymouth as each of the College’s strategic actions were presented in a series of informative videos.
Jackie Grubb, City College Chief Executive & Principal, said: “It was a privilege to officially launch the new visionary direction for our college. Our organisation is very clear on the vital role we play in our city and the positive impact we have on the lives of our community.
“For the past 18 months there has been a cross-College effort involving students, staff, governors, employer partners and other stakeholders in developing our strategic plan in line with the city and employer needs. This includes investing in exciting, cutting-edge facilities that are aligned to industry requirements and will make certain our students are receiving the very best and most up-to-date training.”
In addition to the videos setting out the College’s intentions for areas such as staff development, finance and its estates, guests also heard from the Leader of Plymouth City Council, Nick Kelly, whose speech pointed out how closely aligned the College’s vision is to the Council’s.
Chair of Governors, Richard Stevens, said: “Those who call Plymouth their home are fiercely proud of their city, and rightly so. We all want to see it develop and thrive, and through this new vision and purpose, the College has clearly stated the role it intends to play in achieving this, which involves working closely with the city’s employers to ensure it is equipping their workers with the skills they need.”
Since the event, the College has been inundated with messages and social media comments about the strength of its new Vision and Purpose and expressing their thanks for being invited to the launch. In a tweet, Sharron Robbie, Managing Director of the Devon & Cornwall Training Provider Network, said: “Fantastic event! Good to hear how the College of the city is gearing up to meet the skills needs of Plymouth, whilst fostering robust partnerships with key stakeholders to enable economic growth and success.”
Both the College’s Vision and Purpose and Strategic Intent for 2021 to 2031 are available to read in full at