
College Celebrates Fourth Year as Region’s Top Provider

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The students at City College Plymouth gained the top spot in the South West for both success in Apprenticeships, and for achievement for 16-18 year olds and those on level 3 courses.

As a result of the hard work of students and staff, the Government’s National Achievement Rates Tables for 2018/19 name City College Plymouth as the best college in the South West and second nationally for Apprenticeships, and first in the South West for achievement for 16- to 18-year-olds.

The tables also show that a majority of qualification rankings for overall achievement have either maintained or improved with City College Plymouth being first in the South West for diplomas. English for Speakers of Other Languages courses and GCSE achievements are second in the South West, with basic skills (numeracy and literacy) and GCSE English and maths gaining third position.

Principal and Chief Executive, Jackie Grubb, said: “Firstly I want to say congratulations to our apprentices and students. Your excellent results will support you as you progress with your careers.

“I would also like to thank both the College staff and employers who provide such outstanding support to our apprentices and students. Your commitment is clear to see from these ratings.

“Our employers are involved with the development of their apprentices at every step, from guiding the curriculum and ensuring it is relevant for employment, to providing ongoing support and training as their apprentices progress.”

If you would like information on the courses on offer or guidance on how to apply, visit the website at or e-mail [email protected].