Martin qualified with KPMG in 2006, before moving into the energy industry. Martin worked in various finance and commercial roles within RWE nPower before moving to Infinis Energy Plc, helping list the business on the London Stock Exchange. Martin moved back to the South West of England, working for Babcock International Plc, Rittal and Wildanet, before taking up his current role as Chief Financial Officer for Kensa Group, who manufacture and install ground-sourced heat pumps.
Martin has previously also been active within the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), being President for the South West during 2018-2019 and is a former member of the main Governing Council. Martin lives in Cornwall with his wife and two children. In his spare time Martin is an avid reader of history, a legacy of his university studies.
Organisation: Wildanet